0.24 (Part 1) Release

Hey guys,

0.24.1 has been released and ready to download!

This features the last member of the other party, the dark elf sorceress Veilbane!

Part 2 will release on Thursday featuring the Goblin Queen!


Kingdom of Subversion (0.24.1) 1.8 GB
99 days ago

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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

"Part 2 will release on Thursday featuring the Goblin Queen!" (looks at the calendar; sees that it's Friday) I believe that THIS ( https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.57750d3fb804b74b6da14961e0273352?rik=X%2b60g%2bSGr1HceA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1 ) sums up my thoughts here quite nicely, though feel free to let me know if I might be missing something here by saying that

i was waiting till thursday to down load it so i could play both parts together

On the Subscribestar they said there's been a delay, it'll come out next week instead.

(1 edit)

okay then: thanks for clearing that up for me; side note, any chance you'd have the link to that Subscribestar page? genuinely asking, as this is the first I've heard of it for whatever reason

Sure, here's the link: https://subscribestar.adult/kingdomofsubversion

okay then; thanks for that :)

2 weeks later...